Category: Action @ Sunderland College

Sunderland College ballot result

  The ballot of UCU members employed by Sunderland College closed at noon on 5th March. The ballot was regarding a dispute arising out of a failure to agree a pay award at Sunderland College with UCU for 2018/2019. Pay for staff in further education (FE) has been slashed by 25% against inflation over the…


UCU Sunderland College day 2 of strike action : 23rd April

Sunderland College is a member of the Association of Colleges (AoC). This year’s pay recommendation from the AoC was for a 1% increase, once again much lower than inflation. Even in colleges that have agreed to all of the AoC’s recommended pay increases since 2009, staff are now 24.7% worse off than they were in…


Sunderland College take strike action on pensions, while concerns still exist about proposed changes to pay and conditions

UCU members at Sunderland College had pickets at their five main centres today to show their support for the national strike action called by the UCU National Executive Committee, as part of the continued fight about government imposed pension changes. At the Bede Campus, pickets were joined by UCU’s National Head of Further Education, Barry Lovejoy.  Visitors…


Sunderland College – “All classes are cancelled” – 24/03/11

“All classes are cancelled” – came the message from the College about the plans for the strike day. This showed the strength of feeling that the College knew there was on the issues of pay and pensions. Nevertheless, the UCU Branch atSunderland College organised picketing at every site to make sure the strike was as…


Sunderland College UCU Campaign to Oppose Compulsory Redundancies

UCU members and Reps gather to show their opposition to the College’s proposals UCU gives the “Thumbs Down!” to redundancies UCU Branch Reps: Jude Letham and Barry Campbell Taking the message out to others about job losses Support for UCU’s campaign against redundancies As soon as City of Sunderland College announced the possibility of compulsory…
